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Image, train entering station

MID Strategic Mobility Study

Welcome to the project website for the Midtown Strategic Mobility Study 

The Midtown Public Improvement District (formally the Vickery Midtown Improvement District) needs your help!

MID is looking to prioritize transportation investments throughout the district. The MID Strategic Mobility Study will examine roadway, bike and pedestrian projects with the goal of creating a prioritized list of improvements that can be included in future funding programs.  

Help the Midtown Improvement District by telling us what roadway, bicycle, or sidewalk improvements you want to see completed in the MID. Share your opinions through our online survey and interactive map activity below!

Online Engagements


Interactive Map

Click the button below to be taken to our interactive map activity. Leave a comment anywhere in the Midtown Improvement District and tell us specific locations you would like to see mobility improvements!

View the Interactive Map Here

Have a question or comment about the MID Strategic Mobility Study? Please leave it below!